How the World Works

Grade 1 2017-2018

18 September – 3 November


Trans-theme How the World Works (An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.)
Central Idea The management of waste supports the sustainability of the environment.
Key Concepts Causation, Responsibility, Reflection
Related Concepts environment, management, system, waste
Lines of Inquiry
  • What cause waste
  • Why we need to manage waste
  • How we can protect the environment from waste
Learner Profiles Thinkers, Risk-takers, Caring
Trans-skills Thinking skills, Research skills


Subjects WALT WILF Exploring the concepts or related concepts
  1. What cause waste
  1. What waste is
  2. People’s action towards
  3. What cause waste
Causation, Responsibility, Reflection
  1. Why we need to manage waste
  1. Reasons why people separate waste
  2. The amount of waste nowadays
  3. The classification of waste
  4. the reasons we need to manage waste
  1. How we can protect the environment from waste
  1. Actions I can do with the waste
  2. The impact of unmanaged waste to the environment
  3. What we can do to protect the environment
ICT Presents an idea in a slideshow (tentative until the UOI planning)
  1. Create a presentation on Haiku
  2. Insert and formats images
  3. Insert and format text
  4. Check spelling
  5. Cite resources

1. Whole Number Up to 20












2. Addition and subtraction up to 20
















3. Pattern and Function:









4. Length, mass, capacity and area













  1.   Learns the teens as ten and a number
  2.   Counts and write the teens (also make number cards)
  3.   Counts forward and backwards from an initial number
  4.   Matches numbers or quantities in different form
  5.   Constructs number in multiple ways (by combining or partitioning)
  6.   Compares number or quantities


  1.   Adds number/quantities with result more than 10
  2.   Practices addition fact until 9 + 9
  3.   Adds three or more numbers/quantities
  4.   Subtracts numbers or quantities within 20
  5.   Finds the difference between two numbers or quantities
  6. Solves problems involving addition and subtraction


  1. uses commutative law in addition
  2. uses assosiative law in addition
  3. Fills the unkown in simple equations with correct value
  4. Completes number pattern that differ by 1 or 2


  1. Describes and compares attributes of real objects (ex: long, short, tall, high, heavy, light, cold, hot, etc.)
  2. Compares length, mass, capacity and area of objects by direct comparison.
  3. Measures and compares length, mass, capacity and area of different objects by using non-standard units




  1. Mendeskripsikan benda-benda di sekitar dan fungsi anggota tubuh dengan kalimat sederhana.
  2. Membaca nyaring kata/ kalimat dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat
  3. Menulis kata/ kalimat sederhana dengan rapi
  4. Memahami hidup tertib di rumah dan di sekolah
  1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi benda dan fungsi anggota tubuh dengan tepat dan benar
  2. Siswa mampu membaca kata/kalimat dengan lafal dan intonasi yang tepat
  3. Siswa dapat menyalin kalimat sederhana dengan huruf kapital dan tanda baca (titik) dengan tepat.
  4. Siswa dapat menjelaskan dan memberi contoh hidup tertib di rumah dan sekolah
ENGLISH Learners learn about keeping the environment clean. Write a few sentences on keeping our classroom and school clean.

Spelling words.

MANDARIN Learn about nature
  1. Able to describe nature in mandarin with correct pronunciation and tone
  2. Able to read hanyu pinyin and chinese characters about nature
  3. Able to write hanyu pinyin and chinese characters about nature
VA Drawing specific school environment
  1. Draw what they see
  2. Able to use collage technique
  1. Play songs using airwave.
  2. Singing
1.1 Learn all the notes of the song in airwave.

1.2 play the song with steady tempo

2.1 Imitate the notes while playing airwave

2.2 sing with basic movement (optional)

2.3 sing with steady tempo

PE Students will learn how to do activity in water (swimming pool)
  1. Students will learn how to move (walking, squad, hold their breath) in the water
  2. Students will learn how to breathing in water activity
  • huruf hijaiyah
  • surah al-fatihah dan surah al-ikhlas
  • melafalkan huruf hijaiyah
  • membaca huruf hijaiyah berharakat
  • menulis huruf hijaiyah
  • melafalkan surah al-fatihah dan al-ikhlas
  • menunjukkan hafalan surah al-fatihah dan al-ikhlas
  • pesan-pesan dalam surah al-fatihah dan al-ikhlas
CHRISTIAN Hidup Bersih dan Sehat
  • Meyebutkan cara merawat tubuh agar bersih
  • Menyebutan cara merawat tubuh agar sehat
  • Menuliskan contoh perbuatan menghargai diri sendiri
CATHOLIC Menyadari dan memahami lingkungan serta alam sebagai ciptaan Tuhan *menyebutkan macam-macam lingkungan tempat tinggal

*menyebutkan contoh sikap/perilaku  yang baik terhadap lingkungan sekitar

*membuat sebuah doa singkat sebagai ungkapan syukur atas lingkungan alam sebagai ciptaan Tuhan

BUDDHA Memahami sifat-sifat Ketuhanan
  • Menyebutkan 4 sifat ketuhanan dalam agama Buddha
  • Menjelaskan makna sifat-sifat Ketuhanan
  • Menyebutkan contoh-contoh sifat Ketuhanan dalam hidup sehari-hari
HINDU Menyebutkan isi dari Veda sebagai tuntunan hidup manusia 1.    Menyebutkan kitab-kitab suci yang ada di dunia

2.    Menyimpulkan perbedaan kitab suci dengan buku biasa

3.    Melafalkan salah satu mantra di dalam veda

4.    Menyebutkan manfaat menpelajari kitab suci Veda sebagai tuntunn hidup


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