English  “Sharing the Planet” (08 Jan –23 Feb 2018)


UOI – Sharing the Planet

Central Idea – Conflict resolution is influenced by the actions and reactions of all involved

It is the start of English in Semester 2! I aim to continue supporting our HRT’s with the new UOI. We will have a look at various forms of bullying in schools and what can be done to resolve conflict caused by these actions We will be working towards our summative assessment at the end of the unit which will take the form of written research task about conflict resolution in the school environment. During the 6 weeks of the inquiry, we will focus on developing speaking and listening skills, reading skills and writing skills as well as relevant spelling, punctuation and grammar topics that will enable us to be successful with the end of unit assessment. The guided reading program will continue to improve the students’ reading and comprehension skills.

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