Grade 5 How The World Works (3 September – 30 September 2018)

How The World Works

An inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

Central Idea:

When natural materials undergo change they may provide challenges and benefits for society and the environment.

Lines of inquiry:

  • Conditions that cause chemical and physical changes in materials
  • How societies take advantage of the properties of materials
  • The impact of retrieval, production and the use of materials on the environment

Key Concepts: Change, Function, Reflection

Related concepts: natural materials, transformation, matter

Characters : Moral, Noble

Learner Profile : Inquirers, Caring, Reflective

Attitudes: Appreciation, Commitment, Curiosity

Skills: Research Skills, Self-Management Skills

Enterprise Skills:Reflection, Planning, Initiative


In this unit of inquiry, grade 5 students will learn:

Number – Fractions
1. Performs addition and subtraction of unlike fractions
2. Performs addition and subtraction of mixed numbers
3. Performs multiplication of fractions by a whole number
4. Determines fraction of a set (objects or measurements)
5. Performs multiplication of mixed numbers by a whole number
6. Performs multiplication of fractions
7. Performs division of a fraction by a whole number
8. Performs division of a fraction by a fraction

9. Solves problems involving the 4 operations on fractions

Data Analysis (Central tendency)

  1.   Uses central tendency (average, median, modus) as means to summarize data
  2.   Finds average, median and mode of a set of data
  3.   Uses appropriate measure of central tendency to summarize data.


  1. Reads timetables or schedule in real situation
  2. Determines times worldwide

Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 

1.Berbicara dan Mendengarkan 

WALT : Berdialog


  1. Pengulangan : Ketentuan tentang Dialog
  2. Berdialog untuk menanggapi suatu persoalan atau peristiwa dan memberikan saran pemecahannya


WALT1 : Berbagai Jenis Majas

WILF : Memahami pengertian majas , Mampu membedakan jenis-jenis majas ,Mampu menemukan contoh majas dalam berbagai aneka teks bacaan

WALT 2 : Membaca Puisi

WILF : Memahami pengertian puisi , mengklasifikasi jenis-jenis puisi , membaca puisi dengan intonasi dan gerak tubuh yang tepat

3.Menulis / Tata Bahasa

WALT 1 : Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat

WILF : (Pengulangan : Kalimat Majemuk Setara )

Mengetahui Jenis – jenis  Kata Sambung Dalam Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat ; Kata Tanya Dalam Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat ; Menggunakan Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat dan Memberikan Pendapat menggunakan Kalimat Majemuk Bertingkat


Memahami struktur presentasi , cara membuat teks presentasi yang menarik dan etika dalam berpresentasi

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

To support the concept of change, we will learn to visualize a process with a graphic (Photoshop).

WALT: visualizes a process with a graphic


  • manipulate images to fit the graphic purposes
  • combine images
  • use layers
  • insert and edit lines and arrows
  • add effective and informative text



WALT : Write Instructions


– identify and use imperative verbs

– writes for a specific purpose

– organise ideas in a logical sequence

– draft, edit and review work

– works with a partner to discuss and improve each other’s work

– peer assess completed instructions using rubric

Causation , Connection

To support our Unit of Inquiry – How The World Works, we are learning about the importance of writing clear instructions. We will also be looking at where and why we use instructions in everyday life and the importance of imperative verbs.



WALT                 :  describe illness

WILF                    :

  • pronounce about illness
  • respond clearly to a question about illness
  • recognize written words about illness
  • write hanzi by memorizing the steps
  • make conversation about illness


Grade 5  students will learn vocabulary about ” illness ”  (including “fever”, “headache” and others) through the following activities:

  • pronounce vocabulary about illness
  • respond clearly to a question about illness
  • recognize written words about illness
  • write hanzi by memorizing the steps
  • making a short conversation about illness


Visual Arts


Explore painting : Leaf Printing


  • Complete tools and materials preparation
  • using different types of leafs
  • Understanding the different style and color are something to be embrace
  • Making decorative leaf printing imaginatively
  • Identify the correct place to print part of the leaf proportionally


Related concept :  Natural materials

To support the related concept of Natural materials, students are going to learn about explore painting; leaf printing through the following activities :

  • identify tools and materials that needed
  • Printing using different types of leaves
  • Understanding the different style and color are something to be embrace
  • Making decorative leaf printing imaginatively
  • Identify the correct place to print part of the leaf proportionally


Performing Arts/Music

WALT : Rhythm is the basic of music


  1.    Recognize sounds.
  2.    Discover many beats
  3.    Accompanying song using rhythm


To support the concept of function, students will explore more about rhythm, using body percussion, music instruments, and daily materials.

Physical Education

WALT : Apply basic swimming stroke. (backstroke)


  1. Develop horizontal body position
  2. Develop continuous kick without excessive knee bend
  3. Develop effective kick
  4. Develop coordination movement.


To support the concept of Change, students are going to learn about backstroke in swimming. The will develop coordination movement in swimming.

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