The second unit of this semester, our interdisciplinary theme is “How We Organize Ourselves”. The central idea is “Many products go through a process of transformation before being used by society” and the Lines of Inquiry is:

  • The transformations that products undergo
  • The process that products undergo
  • Ways products are changed to meet the need of society

The key concepts that the students will develop throughout this unit are causation, change and connection. Furthermore, the related concepts are process, measurement, transformation and distribution.

Besides academic skills, EY 1 students will develop certain learner profiles, which are principled and open-minded. In order to be principled, students will learn how to respect other people’s opinions or ideas by listening to the teachers and friends during discussions. They will not only learn to be reflective in how some products are made and distributed, but also to practice the process of making certain products and distributing them in real life actions.


To support the concept of change in this unit, the students will learn to extend and create pattern (AA – BB, AB – AB, ABC – ABC) using the real objects and materials. Meanwhile, to develop their understanding in causation concept, they will compare numbers or quantities in real life actions and describe the difference, e.g.: students will learn that making certain products needs more than just a small number of certain material.

Furthermore, they will also learn to use the term more than, less than, equal to and how many as to represent quantities in real-life situations. As the continuum study of math, students will learn about reading and writing number symbol from 11 – 20 and use the figure to represent quantities in real-life situations.


The students will keep learning to read three letter words to strengthen their ability to read which will be their strong foundation to write simple words as well as use single words and two-word phrases in context to speak their ideas and needs. The learning will be fun and interesting as both activities will be conducted by playing with words where the students will participate in shared reading, joining in with rhymes, refrains and repeated text as they gain familiarity.

Furthermore, with all the activities we have earlier, they will be able to discriminate between visual representations such as symbols, numbers, letters, words, and ICT iconography.

Bahasa Indonesia

The students will learn to enjoy the stories read by teachers and are expected to listen attentively and give response or be inquiry. This activity will build the students as a critical learner. To support their ability to read and write, they will be learning to recognize some phonemes which will lead them into reading simple words with repeated syllables. When they are ready with reading simple words, this can be strong foundation for them to visualize the words into form of writing using several media.


In the second term, as to integrate the central idea with Music lesson, the students will be brought to lots of activities where they can use the voice and body to create musical patterns and explore the sounds as a means of expressing imaginative ideas. Moreover, students are expected to be able to represent themselves creatively using the musical patterns that are created.

Visual Arts

One of related concepts in this unit is product creation; therefore EY 1 students will learn to use variety of tools and materials to create an artwork or products as well as making reflection afterwards.

Physical Education

In this unit, the students will participate in group activities to accomplish a common goal as well as learning to show awareness of safety aspect when exercising especially when doing loco and non loco motoric skills such as in crawling, creeping, hoping and jumping.

































































































































































































































































































































































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